Lodaer Img
Hydraulic Cylinder
Hydraulic Hammer
Hydraulic Breaker
Drive Motor
Hydraulic Pump
Hydraulic Valve
About Us

Certified Hydraulic Experts to Solve Any Problem

We’re experts in hydraulics and can fix or create any type of unit. Since 1989, we’ve been family-run and focused on helping you with any hydraulic problems. We’ll find an economic, efficient, and effective solution and give advice and maintenance plans to keep your equipment running smoothly. Call us for help!

Tools and Equipment
Emergency Response
Our Services

Experienced Hydraulic Unit Repair Services to Get Your Equipment Running Smoothly Again


Our Mission

We are a hydraulic company that rebuilds, manufactures, and fabricates hydraulic units. Our family-owned business was established in 1989 and we remain committed to helping our customers with any hydraulic difficulties. Our goal is to provide economic, efficient, and effective solutions, making us your first call for help. We not only offer hands-on solutions, but also provide advice and maintenance plans to keep your equipment running smoothly for years to come.

Started Journey
  • Quality Hammers
  • Expertise & Innovation from company
  • Highly Professional Staff
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Tools and Equipment
Emergency Response
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Braker & hydraulic repairs made easy!